This page is archived as part of Mississippi State University's history. It may refer to situations which have changed or people who are no longer affiliated with the university.



Burger, L.W., K.O. Evans, M.D. Smith, S. Riffell. 2013. Conservation Research Program. CP33-Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds Birds. Bird Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, 2006–2011 Final Report. 84 pp. Download

Evans, K.O., L.W. Burger Jr., M.D. Smith, S.K. Riffell. 2009. Conservation Reserve Program CP33—Habitat buffers for upland birds: Bird monitoring and evaluation plan. 2006–2008 Final Report. 68 pp. Download

Singleton, L.C., K.O. Evans, L.W. Burger Jr., R. Hamrick, D. Godwin. 2011. Mississippi’s Conservation Reserve Program. CP33-Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds. Mississippi Bird Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, Annual Report, 2006–2010. 28 pp. Download

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2009. Burger Jr., L.W., and K.O. Evans, Mississippi State University (eds). Managing working lands for northern bobwhite: the USDA NRCS Bobwhite Restoration Project. Washington, DC. Download

Popular/Semi-technical Articles

Blank, P. J. and D. E. Gill. 2006. Bird use of Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) buffers bordering rowcrop fields in Maryland. Report to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, June 2006.

Burger Jr., L.W., S.K. Riffell, K.O. Evans, M.D. Smith. 2009. Bobwhite and upland songbird response to CCRP Practice CP33, Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Effects Assessment Project, Conservation Insight December 2009:6 pp. Download

Burger, L. W. 2002. Conservation buffers: wildlife benefits in Southeastern agricultural systems. Mississippi State University Forest and Wildlife Research Center Research Advance Volume 6, No. 2.Download

Burger, L. W. and L. Burger. 2008. Bobwhite Populations in the Southeast: What can we expect from Habitat Management? Wildlife Trends Nov/Dec 2008.

Burger, L. W., R. Conover, and S. Dinsmore. In Press. Landscape-level response of Northern Bobwhite to implementation of a Conservation Management System in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. USDA-NRCS Technical Note.

Burger, W. and K. Evans. 2008 Bobwhite populations on private lands: what can we expect from habitat management? Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, Wildlife Issues Newsletter, Spring 2008.

Conover, R., S. Dinsmore, and L. W. Burger, Jr. In Press. Benefits of Early-Succession Buffer and Block Habitat for Farmland Avian Communities in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. USDA-NRCS Technical Note.

Davros, N., J. Colletti, and W. L. Hohman. 2006. Breeding bird use of Minnesota filter strips in relation to width, planting mixture, and surrounding land use. USDA-NRCS Technical Note 190-B-61.

Knoot, T. and L. Best. 2006. Grassland bird and snake use of Iowa grassed waterways is influenced by site and landscape characteristics. USDA-NRCS Technical Note 190-B-60.

Melcher, C. P. and S. K. Skagen. 2005. Grass buffers for playas in agricultural landscapes: a literature cynthesis. U.S. Department of Interior and U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2005-1220.

Riddle, J. and C. Moorman. 2007. What makes some field border habitats better than others? Jason Riddle and Christopher Moorman, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, The Upland Gazette newsletter, Fall 2007.

Riddle, J. and C. Moorman. In Press. The Importance of Landscape Context and Upland Habitat Buffer Shape for Northern Bobwhite and Early-Succession Songbirds. USDA-NRCS Technical Note.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Adams, H.L., L.W. Burger Jr., S. Riffell. 2015. Edge effects on avian diversity and density of native grass conservation buffers. The Open Ornithology Journal 8:1-9. Download

Adams, H.S., S.K. Riffell, L.W. Burger. 2013. Disturbance and landscape effects on avian nests in agricultural conservation buffers. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1213-1220. Download

Applegate, R. D. 2006. Breeding season occurrence of Sora in West Tennessee. The Migrant 77:111-112.

Barbour, P. J., Martin, S. W., and Burger, W. 2007. Estimating economic impact of conservation field borders on farm revenue. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM- 2007-0614-01-RS.

Best, L. B. 2000. Continuous Enrollment Conservation Reserve Program: the value of buffer habitats for birds in agricultural landscapes. Pages 75-94 in W. L. Hohman and D. J. Halloum, editors. A comprehensive review of Farm Bill contributions to wildlife conservation, 1985-2000. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Wildlife Habitat Management Institute, Technical Report USDA/NRCS/WHMI-2000.

Bowling, S.A., C.E. Moorman, C.S. Deperno, B. Gardner. 2014. Influence of landscape composition on northern bobwhite population response to field border establishment. Journal of Wildlife Management 78(1):93-100. Download

Burger, L. W., Jr. 2006. Creating wildlife habitat through federal farm programs: an objective-driven approach. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 34: 994-999.

Burger, L. W., Jr., D. McKenzie, R. Thackston, and S. J. Demaso. 2006. The role of farm policy in achieving large-scale conservation: bobwhite and buffers. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:986-993.Download

Clark, W. R. and K. F. Reeder. 2005. Continuous Conservation Reserve Program: factors influencing the value of agricultural buffers to wildlife conservation. Pages in J. B. Haufler (editor), Fish and wildlife benefits of Farm Bill conservation programs: 2000-2005 update. The Wildlife Society Technical Review 05-2.

Clawson, M. R. and J. J. Rotella. 1998. Success of artificial nests in CRP fields, native vegetation, and field borders in Southwestern Montana. Journal of Field Ornithology 69:180-191.

Conover, R. R., L. W. Burger, Jr., and E. T. Linder. 2007. Winter bird response to field border establishment and width. Journal of Wildlife Management. 71:1917 - 1923.Download

Conover, R. R., L. W. Burger, Jr., and E. T. Linder. 2009. Breeding Bird Response to Field Border Presence and Width. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:548-555.Download

Conover, R. R., S. J. Dinsmore, and L. W. Burger, Jr. 2014. Effects of conservation practices on bird community structure within an intensive agricultural landscape. American Midland Naturalist 172:61-75. Download

Conover, R.R., S.J. Dinsmore, L.W. Burger, Jr. 2011. Effects of conservation practices on bird nest density and survival in intensive agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Download

Di Giacomo, A. S., and J. L. De Casenave. Use and importance of crop and field-margin habitats for birds in a neotropical agricultural ecosystem. Condor 112:283-293. Download

Dollar, G., S.K. Riffell, L.W. Burger. 2013. Effects of managing semi-natural grassland buffers on butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation. Download

Dollar, J. G., H. Adams, S. K. Riffell, and L. W. Burger. 2014. Evaluating butterflies as surrogates for birds and plants in semi-natural grassland buffers. Journal of Insect Conservation 18:171-178. Download

Evans, K. O., L. W. Burger, Jr., S. Riffell, M. D. Smith. 2014. Assessing multiregion avian benefits from strategically targeted buffers. Conservation Biology. Download

Evans, K. O., L. W. Burger, S. K. Riffell, M. D. Smith, D. J. Twedt, R. R. Wilson, S. Vorisek, C. Rideout. 2014. Avian response to conservation buffers in agricultural landscapes during winter. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Download

Evans, K.O., L.W. Burger, C.S. Oedekoven, M.D. Smith, S.K. Riffell, J.A. Martin, S.T. Buckland. 2013. Multi-region response of northern bobwhite coveys to targeted conservation buffers. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:716-725.

Henningsen, J. C. and L. B. Best. 2005. Grassland bird use of filter strips in southeast Iowa. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:198-210.

Lovell, S. T. and W. C. Sullivan. 2006. Environmental benefits of conservation buffers in the United States: evidence, promise, and open questions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112:249-260.

Major R. E., F. J. Christie, G. Gowing, and T. J. Ivison. 1999. Elevated rates of predation on artificial nests in linear strips of habitat. Journal of Field Ornithology 70:351-364.

Marcus, J. F., W. E. Palmer, and P. T. Bromley. 2000. The effects of farm field borders on overwintering sparrow densities. Wilson Bulletin 112:517-523.

McConnell, M.D., L.W. Burger Jr. 2011. Precision conservation: using precision agriculture technology to optimize conservation and profitability in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2011: 66:347-354.

Mitchell, K.L., S.K. Riffell, L.W. Burger Jr., F.J. Vilella. 2012. Nestling provisioning of dickcissels in native warm-season grass field buffers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124:298-309.

Monroe, A., S.R. Riffell, J. Martin, L.W. Burger Jr. 2014. Effects of measuring nestling condition on nest success in the Dickcissel (Spiza americana). Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(2):401-406. Download

Oedekoven, C. S., S. T. Buckland, M. L. Mackenzie, R. King, K. O. Evans, L. W. Burger. 2014. Bayesian methods for hierarchical distance sampling models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 19:219-239. Download

Oedekoven, C.S., S.T. Buckland, M.L. Mackenzie, K.O. Evans, L.W. Burger Jr. 2013. Improving distance sampling: accounting for covariates and non-independency between sampled sites. Journal of Applied Ecology. Download

Olsen, D. M. and F. L. Wackers. 2007. Management of field margins to maximize multiple ecological services. Journal of Applied Ecology 44:13-21.

Palmer, W. E., S. D. Wellendorf, J. R. Gillis, and P. T. Bromley. 2005. Effects of field borders and nest-predator reduction on abundance of northern bobwhites. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:1398-1405.

Peterjohn, B. G. 2003. Agricultural landscapes: can they support healthy bird populations as well as farm products? Auk 120:14-19.

Puckett, K. M., W. E. Palmer, P. T. Bromley, J. R. Anderson, Jr., and T. L. Sharpe. 2000. Effects of filter strips on habitat use and home range of northern bobwhites on Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge. Pages 26-31 in L. A. Brennan, W. E. Palmer, L. W. Burger, Jr., and T. L. Pruden (eds.). Quail IV: Proceedings of the Fourth National Quail Symposium. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, Fl.

Riddle, J. D., C. E. Moorman, and K. H. Pollock. 2007. The importance of habitat shape and landscape context to northern bobwhite populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1376-1382.

Smith, M. D., and L. W. Burger, Jr. 2006. Population response of northern bobwhite to field border management practices in Mississippi. Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium In press.

Smith, M. D., P. J. Barbour, L. W. Burger, Jr., and S. J. Dinsmore. 2005a. Breeding bird abundance and diversity in agricultural field borders in the black belt prairie of Mississippi. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 59:43-56.

Smith, M. D., P. J. Barbour, L. W. Burger, Jr., and S. J. Dinsmore. 2005b. Density and diversity of overwintering birds in managed field borders in Mississippi. Wilson Bulletin 117:258-269.Download

Smith, M. D., R. G. Hamrick, L. W. Burger, Jr., and J. P. Carroll. 2006. Estimating sample sizes for distance sampling of autumn northern bobwhite populations. Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium. In Press.

Temu, V.W., B.S. Baldwin, K.R. Reddy, S. Riffell, L.W. Burger Jr. 2014. Wildlife habitat quality (sward structure and ground cover) response of mixed native warm-season grasses to harvesting. Environments 2014(1):75-91. Download

Vickery, J. A. R. E. Feber. R. J. Fuller. 2009. Arable field margins managed for biodiversity conservation: a review of resource provision for farmland birds. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 133:1-13.

Vickery, J., N. Carter, and R. J. Fuller. 2002. The potential value of managed cereal field margins as foraging habitats for farmland birds in the UK. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 89:41-52.