Dr. Ram Adhikari

Dr. Ram  Adhikari


  • Assistant Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-6651
Thompson Hall 345



  • Mississippi State University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Forest Resources
  • Technical University of Munich, Master of Science (M.S.), Sustainable Resource Management
  • Tribhuvan University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Forestry

Research Interests

Forest management
Forest economics
Timber supply and demand
Ecosystem services


Year Publications

Adhikari, R., Poudyal, N. C. 2024. Factors influencing intention to visit wildlife management areas : A survey of sportspersons and other recreationists in Tennessee. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 29(3):243-258.


Bhattarai, S., Grala, R. K., Poudyal, N. C., Tanger, S. M., Adhikari, R. 2024. Where we stand on chronic wasting disease: A systematic literature review of its prevalence patterns, impacts, and management interventions. Heliyon 10(11).


Adhikari, R., Falkowski, T. B., Sloan, J. L. 2024. Identifying optimal locations for biochar production facilities to reduce wildfire risk and bolster rural economies: A New Mexico case study. Forest Policy and Economics 169.


Cavasos, K., Adhikari, R., Poudyal, N. C., Warwick, A. R., Gray, M. J. 2023. Natural area visitors’ potential role in preventing pathogen threats to amphibian biodiversity. Environmental Conservation 50(2):142-147.


Adhikari, R., Poudyal, N. C., Ochuodho, T. O., Parajuli, R., Joshi, O., Mehmood, S. R., Munsell, J. F., Dhungel, G., Thomas, W., Crocker, E., Zhou, M. 2023. Predictors of landowners’ intention to manage emerald ash borer in Kentucky. Forest Science 69(4):452-462.


Adhikari, R., Wang, T., Jin, H., Ulrich-Schad, J. D., Sieverding, H. L., Clay, D. 2023. Farmer perceived challenges toward conservation practice usage in the margins of the Corn Belt, USA. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 38:e14.


Cavasos, K., Adhikari, R., Poudyal, N. C., Brunner, J. L., Warwick, A. R., Gray, M. J. 2023. Understanding the demand for and value of pathogen-free amphibians to US pet owners. Conservation Science and Practice 5(9):1-11.


Adhikari, R., Poudyal, N. C., Brandeis, C., Nepal, P. 2023. Identifying optimal locations for hardwood CLT plants in Tennessee : Application of a spatially explicit framework. Forest Products Journal 73(3):219-230.


Cavasos, K., Adhikari, R., Poudyal, N. C., Warwick, A. R., Gray, M. J. 2023. Natural area visitors’ willingness to pay for amphibian conservation in a global biodiversity hotspot. Journal for Nature Conservation 76.


Adhikari, R., Poudyal, N. C., Muller, L. I., Yoest, C. 2023. Hunter willingness-to-pay for disease testing : Evidence from chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 55(3):417-431.


Adhikari, R., Poudyal, N. C., Muller, L. I., Yoest, C. 2022. Hunters’ willingness to pay to avoid processing costs associated with harvesting infected game. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 54(1):93-113.


Adhikari, R., Grala, R. K., Petrolia, D. R., Grado, S. C., Grebner, D., Shrestha, A. 2022. Landowner willingness to accept monetary compensation for managing forests for ecosystem services in the southern United States. Forest Science 68(2):128-144.


Adhikari, R., Poudyal, N. C., Shrestha, A. 2022. The effect of foreign remittance on timber imports : Evidence from Nepal. Journal of Forest Research 27(5):323 - 333.


Adhikari, R., Grala, R. K., Grado, S. C., Grebner, D., Petrolia, D. R. 2022. Landowner satisfaction with conservation programs in the southern United States. Sustainability (Switzerland) 14(9):5513.


Adhikari, R., Poudyal, N. C., Ochuodho, T. O., Parajuli, R., Joshi, O., Mehmood, S. R., Munsell, J. F., Dhungel, G., Thomas, W., Crocker, E., Zhou, M. 2022. Understanding forest landowner attitudes, perceived risk, and response to Emerald Ash Borer in Kentucky. Journal of Forestry 121(2):157-167.


Adhikari, R., Grala, R. K., Grado, S. C., Grebner, D., Petrolia, D. R. 2021. Landowner concerns related to availability of ecosystem services and environmental issues in the southern United States. Ecosystem Services 49:101283.


Shrestha, A., Grala, R. K., Grado, S. C., Roberts, S. D., Gordon, J. S., Adhikari, R. 2021. Nonindustrial private forest landowner willingness to pay for prescribed burning to lower wildfire hazards. Forest Policy and Economics 127:102451.


Adhikari, R., Kindu, M., Pokharel, R., Castro, L. M., Knoke, T. 2017. Financial compensation for biodiversity conservation in Ba Be National Park of Northern Vietnam. Journal for Nature Conservation 35:92-100.

Graduate Students